Sparity tackled integration and consolidation challenges faced by a prominent retail client. The successful initiation of Power BI integration seamlessly streamlined the reporting process with diverse sales data from various sources, and formats.

Client Retail ServicesPower BI Integration Year 2023

Key Challenges

  • Client faced Difficulty Integrating sales data from Salesforce, retail APIs, Excel, and other sources as they vary in data formats from different sources.
  • Challenges in establishing API connections for real-time data retrieval from retail stores affect the consolidation of sales information across systems on time.
  • Data lake consolidation needs to be improved by the complexity of normalization and transformation that arises from managing data inputs in several forms, especially Excel.
  • The inability of the current application to ensure compatibility among many systems affects the accuracy and efficiency of sales data reports.


azure synapse analytics


  • Leveraged Azure Synapse for robust data storage, initiated ETL processes for efficient cleansing.
  • Utilized Azure Data Lake to store diverse content, enhancing data management capabilities significantly.
  • Sparity Initiated the process with mapping of data sources, including Salesforce, retail APIs, Excel, and other systems.
  • Executed DAX functions for data standardization, ensuring uniformity and cleanliness across diverse sources.
  • Established API connections with retail stores using Power BI’s native connectors for real-time data.
  • Configured Power Query for real-time data retrieval, addressing potential issues through comprehensive error handling.
  • Optimized the data lake consolidation process, by capitalizing Power BI’s dataflow capabilities effectively.
  • Integrated DAX functions in Power BI to resolve Excel data challenges and ensure compatibility.
  • Implemented Power Query for complex data transformations, linking diverse data sources accurately.


  • Improved product sales through streamlined Power BI integration, providing a comprehensive view of product performance.
  • Optimize geo-based sales strategies with real-time insights, ensuring targeted and effective regional approaches.
  • Enhanced portfolio segmentation efficiency, enabling strategies for diverse product segments.
  • Improved agility in decision-making by incorporating retail-specific analytics enhances more informed strategic choices.