Our client, a fast-growing logistics brand based out of US, was facing hurdles to process as they received heavy volumes of documents in varied formats. Sparity stepped into the situation cited with an AI-powered solution and integrated Gen AI into their workflows, streamlining processes and improving efficiency. 

ClientApparel BrandServicesMagento File System Cyber Defence
Year 2024

Client Challenges

The client often receives huge volumes of documents, such as bills of lading, packing lists, freight invoices, customs forms, etc., in different formats, including PDFs, scanned images, and even handwritten texts sometimes. Manually managing and processing these documents not only consumes time but also increases the risk of human errors and delayed shipments, leading to disruption in business operations and customer dissatisfaction.




    Our expert team thoroughly analyzed and cited them with the solution. We have integrated Gen AI into logistics workflows to automate repetitive tasks.

  • OCR and NLP: Implemented an optical character recognition (OCR) engine capable of accurately extracting text and data from various documents. Once extracted, we have employed NLP techniques to analyze the structure, meaning, and context.
  • AI Prompts Design: We designed AI prompts to extract key information from documents. Prompts include the structure and location of essential fields such as shipment numbers, item descriptions, quantities, shipping addresses, and tracking numbers.
  • Integration: Our team integrated the client’s logistics management systems with these AI algorithms, including various transportation, warehouse, and ERP systems, etc.; it was facilitated through APIs.
  • Data Privacy and Responsible AI: We adhered to Data Privacy Compliance to protect data for responsible and ethical AI Practices.


Our solution empowered client with
