Developed mHealth application for a wearables company

Developed mHealth application for a wearables company

John David

Sparity helped a wearable devices manufacturer to build an end-to-end platform that can be branded to Fitness Studios within 4 hours. By integrating their devices like Bluetooth and Ant+ Heart Rate Monitors with the application, they can now track member workout activities inside and outside gyms.

Client: Fitness

Services: Manufacturing/Digital

Year: 2022

Key Challenges

  • The client is leading wearable device manufacturer which sells its solutions to various fitness studios and has a large user base across U.S.
  • They wanted to develop an integrated mobile application to enable its users connect their wearables via Bluetooth and also allowing its’ users to log daily activities, meal planning, etc.
  • They wanted to have a single source for all the incoming data to do analytics on top of it and improve its customer experience



  • Sparity created mobile application for both iOS and Android platforms with several features to monitor their activities, connect with other fitness gadgets
  • Developed the iOS application using Objective C and Android application using Java
  • Included several dashboards in the application like Food dashboard, activity dashboard, health vitals dashboards to proactively take decisions based on users’ health
  • Integrated the iOS app and Android app with heart rate monitors via Bluetooth and Ant+
  • With robust features, the application has made it easier for people to monitor their daily activity for ensuring better health


  • Health vital reports helped the company to better track its user health and suggest personalized solutions to improve their wellness
  • Enabled the users to view and share reports from the application with few clicks
  • One-stop shop for all fitness requirements, enabling users to have a seamless experience

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